Ordered this after buying the E7 kit and backing the X2 Pro on Kickstarter.
Reviews for this are good for a reason, surprised myself by how often I actually use it. Being able to put it on a tripod is a big bonus.
Bin total begeistert von der Lampe sie ist super hell klein und platzsparend.
benutze sie jeden Tag ,wenn ich Nachts mit dem Hund laufen bin .
Die Lampe ist sehr gut verarbeitet .
Great working light with solid 'bang for the buck'.
The battery system is outstanding, the guys fron Wuben obviously took the idea from Energizer's military flashlight (one or two batteries - doesn't matter) and took it one notch further (hey, why not adding LiIon or Alkaline - doesn't matter).
One outstanding feature is the option to add the tactical switch at the bottom of the light - I sincerely hope the Wuben Team develops further on this feature (like a remote switch or maybe a tripod adapter). This, together with the helmet mount makes a great utility light.
The idea to implement a focussing system via different LEDs is a nifty thing - I really do not loke the wobbly tubes you move back and forth in even pricy flashlights to focus - and the user interface via the wheel makes the handling a breeze.
Sidelight is solid, especially the tilt option.
All in all: ther is not much you can go wrong if you're looking for a solid and practical utility flashlight.
Hatte erst kleine Lieferschwierigkeiten. Aber der Service war so hilfsbereit und schnell, dass dann doch alles geklappt hat. Und es gab noch ein kleines Geschenk obendrauf. Bin sehr zufrieden, wenn man jetzt noch im rgb Modus die Helligkeit dimmen könnte... aber man wird ja noch träumen dürfen.
Danke für alles
Great product, with useful and well thought features. I am more than happy with my choice. Delivery is slow, so some planning is required.
The wuben e7 is really great. It's perfect for EDC or for Backup in my car, the Interface is simple and i Love her size
Nearly perfect. only one thing about. the small power site switch can not be easily handled with glows.
It is the Produkt I was looking for. I specially like that you have an extra switch to choose the light and to secure the on/off button so it can not switch on by chance
For the Special Price i Payed the Box was ok. But for higher Price I would Not be happy.
Nice Handy Gadget, Just the use of thr diffrent lights coild be easier..
All in all a bright nice lamp.
Great device, feels well built, good lighting and functions. Unfortunately stopped being able to easily be switched on after a couple of days (it’s fully charged).
Dear, thank you very much for your love, support and order of our WUBEN products. We are sorry to bring you a bad shopping experience. You can contact our customer service for warranty. I wish you a good day.
Eine super Taschen Lampe erst etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig wenn man weiß wie es geht.Super hell auch das Seiten Licht leuchtet meinen Arbeitsplatz super aus.Das warten hat sich echt gelohnt Dankeschön