Where can we deliver ?
We can deliver to almost all countries in the world .
Countries to which we unfortunately cannot ship are: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kater, Argentina, Kenya, Turkey, Nepal, Pakistan
Check the delivery country?
To check if we can ship to your country, please use the checkout function of the shopping cart by adding the product of your choice to the shopping cart.
Customs duties/taxes
Imports may be subject to customs fees or taxes depending on the country. Wuben is not responsible for any customs fees or taxes that may be charged on our products. Shipping costs are estimates and may vary depending on the delivery region. If in doubt, please contact your local customs authorities for more information. Any return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer and Wuben is not responsible for them.
What shipping options are offered and how long are the delivery times?
All orders require 2 business days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) for preparation and shipping.
PS Pre-orders will be shipped on the date stated in the description.
The products are delivered to our warehouses overseas (DE, USA, etc.) and shipped from there.
After dispatch you can track the delivery. To track your shipment click here .