30 day money back guarantee / Within 30 days of purchasing a product, we will provide a full refund of the purchase price in case of product defects.

30 day exchange guarantee/ Within 30 days of purchasing a product, we will provide a free exchange of the product in case of product defects.

1 year warranty: Within one year of purchasing a product, Wuben offers free repair in case of a defect.

Warranty on batteries: Wuben offers a 1-year warranty on the batteries used, but other accessories are excluded.

5 Year Product Warranty: Within 5 years of purchase, excluding batteries, Wuben offers registered customers a free repair if there is a problem with a registered product.

Lifetime Repair: After more than one year from the purchase of a product, Wuben offers registered customers a paid repair. Note: All gifted products and products already replaced under warranty are excluded from this policy.

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